On Fridays.. I tell you about my Favorites.

Well. Here I am, (Blogging) World!

I always have the best intentions of blogging, but then one has to ask themselves,“Do I have anything to say that ANYONE but me would care about?”                   …but the thing is ..

dont give a damn

I decided (much like every other bright-eyed,bushy-tailed brunette actress in New York City) that THIS YEAR is MY YEAR. Ok to be honest, I may look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but I am not.. really. I mean physically I may have a few more teenagers in me, but mentally.. well if I may say so myself.. there is a lot of wisdom up here in this noggin.

  • This year is going to be a year of accepting the fact that it is ok to be messy and that maybe in fact there is beauty in that chaos.
  • This year, I am going to attempt and hopefully succeed in spending more moments in the here and now.. instead of anywhere else.

This blog for me is a way for me to stay creative, no matter what. I’ll be finding joy, compassion, mindfulness and creativity in my everyday life and then share it with you.

Because I love a good alliteration and because I am the queen of all things here, I’ve declared that on Fridays I’ll share people, places and things that are my “favorites”.

This week is all about Zen Pencils.

Australian freelance cartoonist, Gavin Aung Than, is responsible for this beautiful creation! Basically, you know the story, meet a guy who was working in an unfulfilled job wanting to do more with his life flash to him taking an enormous leap of faith by leaving said job and putting everything into this new venture. His success and his humble demeanor are inspiring 🙂

I’ve been touched by A LOT of his work, but his most recent (which also features is first foray into using his own quotes!) has really hit home.


Click to check out the whole comic! Let me know what you think in the comments!

See you soon!


Jesse 3 copy

Temp. Sight!

Hey Ya’ll

So I’m currently in the process of redoing my online presence.. so This is my interim site!  Look around and if you like what you see contact my agent!

